The Secret Power of a Half Hour – a day planner for busy people

I have always been a busy person. There were always so many things that I either wanted or had to do that I didn’t know where to start. When I finally decided to do something I would feel either bitter and resentful because I would much rather be doing something else, or guilty because I really should be doing something else. In the end I usually got very little of anything done. It was so frustrating. The end of the day had me upset and disappointed with myself.

Then I found a book in the library that honestly changed my life. It was called The Power of a Half Hour: Take Back Your Life Thirty Minutes at a Time by Tommy Barnett. He basically says to slot each activity you want or need to do into a 30 minute time period. For that time just focus all your attention and energy on that one activity. When the time is up move on to something else. Alternating between something I should do and something I love to do works well for me. Some activities are best suited to 60 minutes and some to just 15, but for the most part a half hour works well.

I was, and still am amazed at how much I can accomplish in 30 minutes when I focus my energy on a task. The best part though is that I now enjoy my day and have a real sense of satisfaction. I am productive in getting done what really needs to get done, but also get to spend a good part of every day doing fun things that I love to do.

This planner was written mainly for me. If you or someone you know finds it helpful and wants to purchase it, well that is a bonus.

I like to plan out my day in the morning. It will start with a daily affirmation. There is space to write out meal plans so I know ahead of time what I will be preparing. Little water icons remind me to get in daily water intake.

There is space for reminders and also for daily goals.

There are some blank pages at the back, that I like to use to plan out bigger projects or trips.

I use this little planner almost daily.

I will say though, don’t let this be written in stone for you. Be flexible. If someone drops in or invites you out, go! Spend time with family and friends. Relationships should always take priority. Remember, almost always, what doesn’t get done today can be done tomorrow.

Have a great day!

This planner, like all my books is available on or .ca, or you can contact me directly